Twin Needle sleeping bag rejuvenation service

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Hi I'm thinking about using this service for a very old Fairydown Cobra bag. Has anyone used this service who can tell me what they did and if you would recommend it over a basic cleaning service? The bag is pretty grubby and the down is clumping at the sides leaving some empty parts on top. Thanks
i think they are ex macpac staff who used to make gear for them until macpac outsourced their manufacturing overseas
They have a good reputation and if you to tell them to make the bag as new they will. Catch is that clumping down might be overdue for replacement and cleaning will still leave yiou with an old bag although with new down and a bill that could be similar to replacing the bag with a new one of similar spec. I dont know your bag but old fabric does have a finite life You could do all this work now only to have it rip in another 6 months
I would get it cleaned by Master Valet in Lincoln Rd first. For $30 they will wash it properly, not dry clean it like all the others who tell you they will 'wash' it. After that you will have a better idea of how it lofts up and if you want to get it repacked with down. I can almost guarantee Twin Needle will use Master Valet anyway, as they are recommended by Macpac.
Then, after Master Valet, Twin Needle can add more fill if you want. I second the idea to have a look around for newer bags. Bound to be Queens B-day sales, and Macpac, for one, have a clearance line of bags on their website.
Yep that all sounds like good advice. Was hoping to get another year or two out of it before springing for a new one. Will try the cleaning as a start anyway. Thanks
I've used Twin Needle including reconditioning a bag by getting it cleaned and more down added. They did an excellent job. Thanks for the info on Master Valet. They are practically around the corner from me.
Twin Needles do NOT on-send sleeping bags to Master Valet. They say they clean them in-house.
I was misinformed A thousand apologies!
Hi! I am new here and have an old Fairydown bag from my Dad thats 20+ yrs old (not quite as old as me). Really well looked after so the fabric is in good nick, but the down has balled inside the baffles. I was wondering how much it costs to get more down added if I send it to twin needles. I will be sending it there for a good clean and fingers crossed that might sort things, but just incase it would be good to know how much to set aside. Thanks :)
1–10 of 15

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