Twin Needle sleeping bag rejuvenation service

Hi I'm thinking about using this service for a very old Fairydown Cobra bag. Has anyone used this service who can tell me what they did and if you would recommend it over a basic cleaning service? The bag is pretty grubby and the down is clumping at the sides leaving some empty parts on top. Thanks
11–15 of 15

Send them an email, they're happy to give you an estimate.
I got my 20year old Macpac Sapphire cleaned and repacked about 5 months ago for $150. From memory they added 100gms of down. Really good job overall, the only complaint I have is they added all the down to the chest area and missed some cold spots in the leg taper & foot box. Their reasoning was to prioritize the body's core but I sleep warm anyway and can always put on a down jacket if needs be. If they had rung me up and said it needs another 100gms further down then I would have said go for it while the patient was on the operating table. But overall, very happy.
Hmmmm...... With gear, I guess I'm a bit different. I'd rather love a bit of gear to death. To use it, to need it, to rely on it until it no longer is functional. And then to retire said beloved item, with it's battle wounds and badges of honour, to a glorious transition to the Valhala of tramping gear. And then give a new piece of kit the chance to do the same. The mantle is now passed on.....
Gear is there to be used for its purpose, but surely maintenance is part of the rite of ownership? I look after my gear unashamedly. While I have a lot of newer gear I still use my 23yr old Macpac Torre pack for example. I forget what it cost, but I’ve put in new aluminium back rods, new shoulder straps and replaced the odd buckle myself, and had the ice axe straps replaced at TN Total cost under $200 For a pack that has served me so well it’s worth every penny. (Mind you it was made back in the day when Macpac was a label to be proud of. Apart from the odd product Macpac are an “also ran” in most areas now.) That’s the definition of ‘loving’ your gear in my opinion ;)
Well said 1Strider. I guess if you find your ultimate bit of kit, you'll do whatever you can to eek further life from it. My kind of love is more of a tough kind. :D
11–15 of 15

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