Weight saving measures

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The following post got me thinking: "the pegs are heavy in the luxe tents, you can get lighter ones if you wanna cut even more weight down" I have a 2-3 person Coleman tent that I brought for when I take the kids out camping/tramping. Originally it weighted 2.1 kgs but just by changing the pegs and guy lines I managed to cut the weight to 1.8kg. Do you modify your gear to save weight or make it more servicable.
Wow, a whole 300g! Do you really notice that HUGE weight saving? I do a similar thing; farm the poles out to one of the kids, and fly out to the wife. I carry the rest of the tent and when the kids get bigger I'm going to farm this off on to them, too :-)
I did try telling the dog to catch her own food, rather than me carry it all, on the last trip. But the tireder she got, the less she caught, and it almost backfired on me as it looked like I'd end up having to carry the dog too.
I don't think you have to be ultra-light to appreciate a 300 gram saving. It adds up if you do it in enough places. Now, removing watch straps and taking straws instead of drink bottles is something that goes over the top for my own projects. :)
Removing watchstraps? People do this instead of wearing their watch on their wrist????
The watch strap thing was one of the extremes which Ed Reynolds was thought to have gone to before he went missing in Nelson Lakes. (This was never verified, but a strap-less watch was found that was thought could have been his.) I don't think it's un-heard of in some ultra-light camps.
and taking straws instead of drink bottles Surely if you are ditching the water bottle you wouldnt want the extra weight of a straw. 2 Hands get a nice measured cup of water and you are going to be taking them anyway. Arnt you
yup... one ultra lighter talks about bringing one piece of paper at a time to write on to avoid extra weight. cutting off the toothbrush handle... carrying so little in the way of clothes that you dont have enough to keep you warm in a cold storm when you're on the move... wearing open toed sandals on Te Araroa.. packs with no hip belts and mesh pockets that shred in the bush. ultra light wet weather wear that shreds in the bush
paper? to write on? what for??? and who brushes their teeth either man what are ya haha
substitute wooden club for carbon fibre....

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Forum Gear talk
Started by bradley1
On 21 May 2014
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