NZ topo50 and Garmin basecamp

Hi, I'm not technologically minded and am looking for some advice about the use of downloaded topo50 maps and garmin basecamp. I am keen to have a topo overlay on basecamp so I can see tracks/waypoints etc better, rather than the "global map" which is non topo. I have an etrex 10 (nonmapping gps), so the maps are not for transfer to the gps. My first question is whether this is possible? Secondly, if so how do I go about doing this? I have tried to download the kmz file from nztopo, but when I attempt to open the file an Adobe window appears and says file not supported. I'm not sure if this means I need to use a file converter or download other software. Any advice about how to download/open the files and use these in garmin basecamp would be much appreciated. Thanks.
kmz is a gps file for a downloadable gps to read. A google search on kmz readers might find a way. You can print sections of map straight from the website which can be very useful but it has no coordinates so comparing to the gps would be difficult. You can download complete maps but unless you are viewing them on a tablet or have a cheap way to print them its better to buy the paper map
Check out this link if you want a free downloadable rendition of NZ's topo maps for use on Garmin GPSs. This is what I use and it seems to work well enough. Once installed on your system, the maps should be available in both MapSource and BaseCamp. Also transferrable to a mapping GPS via that software, but as you've noted this won't include an etrex 10.

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Started by jcmck
On 18 March 2014
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