PLB testing

Fellow PLB owners - how often do you test your PLB? - how do you remember to do it? I tested mine a few times when I first got it then just happily assumed it was fine for the next couple of years. This is not a good assumption to make and going forward I want to be more systematic about testing but not sure about frequency - before every trip, once a month, once every three months? What do other people do?
I think once every two months is the standard time period, but I would also check it every time I was going out just too make sure. No use carrying one if its dead when you really need it, now is there?
Most (if not all) PLBs have a set maximum number of times you can test – to ensure there is sufficient battery capacity to meet the mandated minimum operation time. Consult the documents that came with the PLB (or look online). For example, the ACR ResQlink PLB has a maximum 60 basic function tests and 12 GPS acquisition tests over the 5 year lifetime (then change the battery and start again).
I'll be a good girl from now on and test my replacement beacon once a month. If there are any other slackers like me out there who are carrying round beacons that haven't been tested in a while I encourage you to test them as while it is annoying to find that your beacon doesn't work it is much more annoying to realise you have no idea how long it hasn't been working for cause you were too lazy/distracted/overconfident to test it regularily.
Has anyone had to replace a battery in their beacon yet? Any ideas on the cost? Is it cheaper just to get a new beacon? (that's a nasty rumour I've heard regarding the 406mhz ones).
depends on the beacon GME don't replace the batteries in their beacons, but they are supposed to give a big discount if you need to buy a replacement beacon... i think they may also give you a free replacement beacon if you have to use it... fastfind have an agent in NZ who will replace the batteries, so i'm assuming its cheaper.
There was some form in mine regarding a free beacon if I set it off, but as the company is American and the form was American (and I think there was some mention of the US coastguard) I just assumed it didn't apply here in NZ. Might have to dig the box out again.
I'm not sure if it's the same, but ACR/Artex has a thing called SurvivorClub, where they'll replace your PLB or EPIRB with a new beacon of equal or greater value, if you used it in a "lifesaving emergency situation that results in your life being saved by search and rescue personnel" and share your survival story with them. Their FAQ states that " is for anyone, regardless of where they live, who uses an ACR/Artex beacon in a life-threatening situation". The terms and conditions do state that the beacon has to have been properly registered in the country of residence. Terms and conditions are at but the actual doesn't seem to be up right now. I'm not sure if that's temporary or not. It's basically a thing from their marketing department, and the terms state that they can use everything you give them for marketing purposes---they do state they won't use your last name or other contact details for this. They want a story, a photo or video relating to the rescue, and your original beacon, and they want to confirm your story with authorities. (If you lost the beacon during the event, they'll still consider you if you can show proof of ownership.)
Thanks for the link, izogi. I didn't know the replacement program existed. We set off an ACR PLB two weeks ago in the Du Cane Range in Tasmania - half way up a very rocky slope with a broken ankle curtailing the progress of one of the group. It only took 2 hours from activation to the injured being winched aboard the Westpac SaR helicopter and it flying off to Hobart - brilliant. Previous to this technology, it would have been very difficult indeed. Two days from civilization - not to mention how challenging it would have been just to get to somewhere to set up a tent and wait for rescue. Scary thought, really.

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