Updates, February 2014

Hi everybody, I have rolled out some updates today. Added ability to hide users in forums. This is done from the user's profile page. If you hide a user, you will not see their replies, but you will also not see any topic they start. This change effectively means everybody sees slightly different forums, so a lot of code has been rewritten. Let me know if you strike anything odd. Use with care as there is currently no overview page to show you who you have hidden. Many of you have started using @username in the forums. These now link through to profiles. I have fixed a bunch of other things too. A longer list is available here. http://tramper.co.nz/?8807
2 deleted posts from izogi
Thanks @Matthew. Just quickly, if I visit a profile page I'm now getting a pop-up javascript-style error. Using Firefox 27.0.1 (Windows build). I also can't see any obvious stuff about blocking users on profile pages, so maybe it relates to that somehow? There's no useful info in the pop-up box. It just says 'Unknown Error'. If I get Firefox to show me a console, however, it's also reporting 'no element found', apparently immediately before showing the dialog. Then it writes the word 'relationship' on the far side of the console. I rarely use this console, so I'm unsure if this means it's referring to an element called 'relationship' or if it has some other meaning in Firefox land. Hopefully it's useful for you, though.
Oh, and the forum stuff, possibly elsewhere, now also seems to be ignoring new lines. That explains why my comment just now, and probably this one, are coming through as one big long paragraph.
Hi @izogi. Right - that was an API outage. I'm going to have to implement a self-healing mechanism on that API I can see as it's done this before. Should be all go now. Yes "relationship" is a packet describing your relationship with the person. At the moment it's just whether you have hidden them or not, but it's ready to be extended in future. On missing line breaks, I noticed that too. I'll sort that out. Thanks!

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Started by matthew
On 26 February 2014
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