Real Wilderness Stories

yep just wrote them up and there on the website. 4 new stories! Hell Mission T.C
Got Kaweka Story/Photos Got Mt Doom Story/Photos 2x more stories in the process.... enjoy.
Why do people call it Mt Doom? It has a beautiful name, Ngauruhoe. Why not use that? It was never Mt Doom anyway, the mountain that appeared in the movie was a computer generated annimation.
Wrote up the A Long Way Round (120km round the Ruahines) and Come Hell or High Water (Ruahines) when the cold front came in and it snowed and snowed
Hellmission - is there a hut in the Ruahines without your name in it?
about 20 more in the Ruahines, done about 40 plus in 12 months. did another two during the weekend plus southerly, only 5 more bags left in the Tararuas.
Maybe the next challenge is to do them in alphabetical order.
Starting with A, it could make for a good weekend trip. Alpha Hut Anderson Memorial Hut Aokaparangi Hut Arete Forks Hut Arete Hut Atiwhakatu Hut Though B would be a bit tougher, I would not like to do Blue Range Hut to Burn Hut. The route from Ruapae to Burn Hut is all Leatherwood.
After I have bagged them once I will probably only go to the places I liked, like Ruahine Corner I could go their a million times since it is so amazing each time I visit.
Got my other Ruahine Story from the other week when the southerly rolled in under overnight-Pinacles of Ice got photos up to. Will have another one on next week after I go for a two solo across Aorangi F.P for 8 huts

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