Tramping partners for 2-6th March - Rees/Dart?

Hi, I have an extremely tight timetable and would love to do a 4[ish] day tramp around Queenstown, the Rees Dart really appeals. I would fly into Queenstown about 9am on Monday 2nd March (unfortunately missing a 8am departure to the start of the track that I have seen advertised - perhaps there are later departures?] and would have to be back in Queenstown on Friday 6th March. Would love to do the saddle but depends if time allows. Open to do other tramps in this area... Cheers Melissa
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hello, have you thought about the St James? I was lookimg at doing it in March as a prelude to doing the Motatapu in April. I have some time available during the week if the weekend can be included. The only week I cannot tramp is the week starting 16 March. I can provide transport there and back.
oops, just read the earlier details. If only avaiable for that short time frame is there any interest in 2-day tramps. Ada Pass and Boyle Hut are both on the St James. On the other side of the vally is the Nina Valley Hut. They would also suit my pre-Motatapu training.
Hey Melissa. No worries. Fair enough, its a lot easier to decide once you are here. There are lots of day walks on Banks Peninsula but Ive done a lot there and, as lovely as it is, the scenery for me is getting a little (dare I say) boring for me now. There are heaps of walks in Arthurs Pass and Lewis Pass which are very near by. If you wanted to meet up once you arrived and over your jet lag, we could have a pint and a chin wag and take it from there if you like? Have a good flight to NZ!
Hi Allan. St James is nice, I just did it in January. It's well worth doing the whole trip if you have time. My favourite section was from Cannibal Gorge through to about Anne's saddle (although the rest is nice as well, that was just my fav section). Christopher Hut is the most scenic, not to mention a few neighbouring wild horses.
Hi Lisa. I have done it several times, almost double figures now and enjoy it immensly. I am looking at doing several day tramps in the weekends before Easter and throwing in a couple of overnighters and hopefully the St James in full as training. If you are interested let me know - I can provide transport.
Sorry Alan, I hope that didnt come across patronising, I didnt realise you had done it. Long story but I am having trouble committing to a few things Ive already indicated that Im interested in doing so rather than mucking you around, I'll have to keep you posted. Cheers.
Melissa. We will be arriving in Christchurch at 1.50pm on Sunday 1st March and driving down to QT that afternoon. Not sure what you're plans are but just throwing it out there if you're interested.
Hi normclimb, I wouldn't be arriving back in CC till Sunday night but thanks for the offer of a lift anyway. Have a good trip! Hi Lisa, I am now in NZ and have decided to go down to Queenstown - just booked tickets since a friend has said that it is fine to do some walks on your own eg. great walks Another time for the rees/ dart. Hope you enjoy staying up in Canterbury. Cheers Melissa
Hi Melissa. What time Sunday night? At the moment we are looking at either staying in CC for the Sunday and driving down to QT on the Monday mroning, or heading down late on Sunday evening and maybe stopping over in a backpackers in Oamaru, if we go down the coast road, or arond Omarama if we go inland. We're flexible as long as we're in QT to meet the others on Monday 2nd.
No worries Melissa, have a fab trip!
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Melissa on Tour
On 4 February 2009
Replies 26
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