Tramping Books

After suggestions for a few good books to purchase? Already own 101 great tramps but there must be many good tramping related books on the marketed. Mainly interested in South Island tramps but any good read is tempting.
I suggest Moirs Guide North and Moirs Guide South Moirs describes many more backcountry routes which you won't find in other guides and also has a long history which goes back to 1925. I have a copy of the original 1925 edition and that makes intersting reading.
If you are interested in history then "Beyond the Southern Lakes" by Anita Crozier is a great read. Not sure if it is still in print but you would probably find a copy in a public Library. It is the story of William Grave and his explorations of the valleys around the Cledeau, Hollyford and Milford Sound in the late 19th century. The conditions and gear they tramped with make what we do today seem very cushey.
One thing I remember in the above mentioned book was he made the mistake of choosing tent sites that flooded in heavy rain a few times! The rationing measures were heinous too. Another great little book if you want to indulge in tramper's schadenfreude is "Over the Whitcombe Pass", Lauper's account of his expedition with Mr Whitcombe.
I recently reread The Complete Walker IV (I love the humour) and following some homemade gear design websites I was pushed towards Jardine's Beyond Backpacking. I was very interested to read polarised opinions on topics! Jardine: "sleep on any slope you can, head down". Fletcher: "do anything you can to make sure you're totally flat". Etc, etc... Has anyone actually ever tried sleeping with your feet up head down? Jardine: "make small cook fires everywhere". Fletcher: “a Svea 123r is a lifelong friend, fires are evil". They both seem to agree with sleeping under a fly sheet only though. All in all, very interesting stuff.
I've been interested in picking up a copy of Spearpoint"s book "Waking to the Hills" But it is out of print. If anybody would like to sell their copy let me know. K.
If it helps, that book comes up frequently on Trademe (although possibly it's the same person constantly re-listing). eg. Buy now for $35 + $5 post:

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