
As I'm not capable enough to kayak down this I'm considering tramping up this in the next few weeks, in case it gets dammed and lost forever. I can see a track on the maps but cannot find any info on what this track is like, or likely route times. Can anyone help?
Hi, did you walk this route? I'm thinking of heading up here over Christmas and taking a few pictures. Interested to hear what the conditions are like. No info on the DOC site.
Sorry no, just the limestone and gold field stuff north of Karamea before doing the Heaphy
I hear there's the odd slip on this track and some may find it a bit rough in places. Others say it's pretty straightforward.
Thanks Honora. I got the impression it was pretty clear from the Info Centre in Murchison, but we ran out of time over Christmas. Headed onto the wonderful 1000 Acre Plateau instead.
Aint there an odd pack track with a bridge somewhere. Might have to go that before they damn the river.
We went there over the new year, and ended up getting flooded in along the south branch for 2.5 days directly across the river from Goat Creek Hut on the south branch, but otherwise had a good time. The gold mining track out to Seddonville is generally okay in most places, although the sign at the road stating it's intended for 'experienced trampers only' has good reason. Some of the side creeks were fairly powerful, and there are about three slips more awkward than the rest, one of which has a fixed wire. No bridges in sight, although an old track description that we had said there was supposed to be a bridge over one of the side creeks near the road (Johnny Cake Creek I think). Despite Gerry Brownlee's informal comment last November about no damming (which he then complained was taken out of context), the official hearing is still taking longer than expected, and now believes it won't release a decision until at least late January, after which it's likely to be appealed. Official updates are at

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by nellyt
On 12 November 2008
Replies 6
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