Original route of Taranaki circuit?

I was reading a copy of Wilderness left in a hut on the Taranaki Mountain circuit which was discussing the high alpine tussock faces between Kahui and Symes Hut on the west & south side of the mountain. The DOC ranger being interviewed stated that the round the mountain track used to pass through this area but was rerouted due to unstable terrain. I'm aware of the original 'high' track between Holly and Kahui huts, which has been closed & rerouted via the low track - but that is not the area being referred to in the article. However, I can find no trace of a higher track anticlockwise from Kahui in documentation / maps. On the ground there is the old track (now 'animal control track') heading up the ridge from Kahui hut - but I presumed this is a summit route, rather than part of a circuit. At the other end i can see no track on the ground of anything joining the Brames or Upper Lake Dive tracks from above - and in that sort of alpine environment I'd expect the traces to remain. So: Was there a high track between Kahui and Brames/Lake Dive tracks? And if so, where did it go? There seem to be some major bluffs in this area.
Hi @madpom. You've caught my attention, but I don't know anything about the history in that area. I asked a person (Stuart Collins) whom I met on the mountain a couple of years ago. He's found and typed out the following info which might indicate a possibility. All credit for being aware of and locating this belongs to Stuart: ====== Excerpts from Mt.Egmont Handbook, Edited by A.B. Scanlon, Published, New Plymouth 1955. Pages 39 & 40. 'HIGH LEVEL Round-the-mountain Route There is, as has been described, a round-the-mountain track from Dawson Falls, past Manganui, the Nissen and Holly Huts to Kahui Hut. There is not, however, a track from Kahui Hut to Dawson Falls. There used to be one taking the following route:-Kahui Hut, Okahu Gorge, Skeet Slide, Oaonui Gorge, Brame's Falls, Bobs Ridge (at about 4500ft.). the top of the Lake Dive Track, to the summit track above Dawson Falls. Skeet Slide is now not negotiable, and below Hughson's Ledge the first practicable route across the Okahu is half a mile below the level of Kahui Hut. From here it is possible to go to Dawson Falls through the bush, but there is no track. Although the track from Dawson Falls via the northern slopes to Kahui can be used for a round-the-mountain trip, the rest of the journey must be made by using the high level route from Hughson's Ledge to Fanthams Peak. Starting from Tahurangi Hut, the route etc etc ..... Passing above the Big Pyramid and along beneath a long line of bluffs above the Kahui moss slopes, the route goes above Turehu Hill and into the Okahu Gorge below Hughson's Ledge (5200ft.) This is a tussock covered ledge on the south side of the gorge, leading up to a gap in the top of the bluffs on that side. A gradual climb from here eventually leads to Bobs Ridge above Bobs Bluff 6372ft.). If conditions are good it is possible to go from this point on a gradual descent crossing Skeet Ridge to the top of Fantham's Peak. Alternatively the route can lie down to the bottom Bobs Bluff and then down the ledge to the Taungatara Gorge, and across to Fantham's Peak.' 'HUGHSON'S LEDGE At about 5200 feet, it is on the higher part of the Okahu Gorge on the western side of the mountain. This ledge is the only convenient way to cross the gorge in summertime. It is on the summer route from Kahui Hut to Bobs Bluff and the ridge to Fantham's Peak and Syme Hut.'
Brilliant Izogi. I'll have to have a nosy at that high route if I'm back that way in summer. The high faces on that side look interesting from below - and the chance of a through route would make exploring worthwhile.
No worries, and once again, not really my effort at all except for the copy & paste from Stuart's email.
looking through my old handbooks that go back to the 1950's i have to agree with what Izogi has said, my old maps dont show anything either although i have one very old and rare book published in the 1920's which may help, but i have lent that out to a mate! there must have been tracks of sorts up there because there was a pa(Pakihere) up between the Skeet slide and the west ridge that was the site of a Maori massacre, its definately a place worth visiting one day.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by madpom
On 13 May 2013
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