Nelson - Heaphy track

Hi... professional attractive single 38 yo fit male hiker looking for a walking partner(s). Heading to nelson tommorrow tuesday 30th April and plan to head off to Heaphy track soon. email : [Email address removed] or 021 02292759 Struan
attractive? this isn't a dating site....
he might be genuine and only after a walk in the park Not a good first post though
Not a good website if he's looking for a date. Not a good post if he is after a tramping partner. But I hope he finds whatever it is that he wants.
in places like the states there are a lot of people on certain tracks and people can be on long distance trails for weeks or months , travelling with strangers as hiking partners islolated from outside communities the majority of the time. so it becomes its own society. to a limited extent those trails are a lifestyle where people can find companionship in various forms depending on what they are looking for.... my impression is theres a bigger perception over there of being able to find romance. over here trampers are pretty much out there to tramp.... and not to pick up romance
lol awwwww you guys are mean! If he wants to put that hes attractive in his post then hes not hurting anyone :-P
"my impression is theres a bigger perception over there of being able to find romance. over here trampers are pretty much out there to tramp.... and not to pick up romance" I'm pretty sure that all happens in New Zealand, too, as far as the foreign backpacker circuit is concerned. There's a totally different sub-culture that's largely isolated from locals who go tramping.

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by CaptStru
On 29 April 2013
Replies 6
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