variations on the "three passes route" Arthurs P

I am trying to find a late summer route plan (for Feb-March 2013) to take in the 3 passes (Harman Pass, Whitehorn Pass, Browning Pass) but link it up with the hot spring near Julia Hut in the upper Taipo. Two specific questions: 1. Can someone update me on the condition/ travel time to cross from Newton Creek Hut over Newton Saddle to Dunns Creek Hut or Mid Taipo Hut? How weather dependant is such a crossing? 2. What would it be like crossing from Mudflats Hut over the Campbell Range to Julia Hut? My anticipated party of 4 experienced Australian trampers with several previous ofrays into NZ. (eg did the standard Harman Pass route 25 yrs ago). Not plannign on using rope/harness but would expect to be carrying crampons/ ice axe.
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Pleased to hear the old track up the Julia Stream has been reopened. Came down that quite a few years ago and managed to stay on track by sticking to the line of the thickest vegetation as it was mostly quite dense regrowth about 2m tall. Wasn't too hard to follow but not the most pleasant travel.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by dan E
On 18 June 2012
Replies 20
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