variations on the "three passes route" Arthurs P

I am trying to find a late summer route plan (for Feb-March 2013) to take in the 3 passes (Harman Pass, Whitehorn Pass, Browning Pass) but link it up with the hot spring near Julia Hut in the upper Taipo. Two specific questions: 1. Can someone update me on the condition/ travel time to cross from Newton Creek Hut over Newton Saddle to Dunns Creek Hut or Mid Taipo Hut? How weather dependant is such a crossing? 2. What would it be like crossing from Mudflats Hut over the Campbell Range to Julia Hut? My anticipated party of 4 experienced Australian trampers with several previous ofrays into NZ. (eg did the standard Harman Pass route 25 yrs ago). Not plannign on using rope/harness but would expect to be carrying crampons/ ice axe.
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Hi Glenn Have updated the blog re Anti Crow hut - thanks. I did take compass and map (in sealed bag). I bought a map of Otira from the Arthurs Pass Centre, but unlike my electronic version, it did not extend west to include the section along the Arahura with Mud Flat Hut or Newton Creek bridge. I didn't check the map coverage before departing as I assumed one Otira map was the same as another - lesson now learned! I eventually found the track that runs between the Arahura and Newton Hut. Are you saying that there is also a cut, marked track that descends to the Arahura on the other side? ie. I didn't need to bash down Third Gorge Creek? As for being instructional for others? Well, although I have spent the past 25 years in Oz, I grew up in NZ and still have enough of the 'She'll be right', gung-ho attitude to make my trip reports often read like cautionary tales. ;) Most of my tramping has been around the alpine areas in SE Australia, but the trip to Arthurs Pass was something else again. Lots of lessons learned, but the place is wild and sort of addictive - I will be returning to the southern alps soon. Cheers
"I eventually found the track that runs between the Arahura and Newton Hut. Are you saying that there is also a cut, marked track that descends to the Arahura on the other side? ie. I didn't need to bash down Third Gorge Creek?" Yes!
I think a member of permolat cut and marked that track about 3 years ago. They used blue cruise tape at the time. Hopefully DoC have augmented the work. We had a look at the gorge creek track and decided it was a bit overgrown for our tastes when we did the trip a few years ago.
Yes DOC did augment the work referred to & it's the std route down to the swingbridge from the TL now.
I read your blog Andrew, very entertaining, though I imagine it wasn't at the time...
The Waimak didn't look too good in the photo with those pressure waves. Not something I would have been keen to try. On your blog, Andrew, that first captioned photo of Carrington is Mount Campbell. We used to have a painting of it by Alex Wildey but Frank donated it to the CMC club rooms.
Honora said: "On your blog, Andrew, that first captioned photo of Carrington is Mount Campbell." Could have sworn it was Carrington. Anyway, have made the edit. Thanks.
Sorted. Cheers.
Hello dan E and attention andrewbish, Having recently walked the country concerned in "dan's" original questions this April I can confirm my original replies were valid. Popes Pass is still ok! Crampons were not required in April. Ice axes useful but not essential. The person who made a logbook entry about "a long drop off with no way back" got their routes wrong! I wondered if something had happened post earthquakes to make the Popes Pass routes more difficult than they used to be but my recent recce proved things are fine. Regarding a route over the Campbell Range from Mudflats hut, Arahura River to Julia huts, Taipo River I can report that this is a viable route. It was an enjoyable six hour walk with this time including some lengthy stops. (We had heavyish packs, I'm 55 & Alpine is in his early 60's) Route notes follow: The old deer cullers track that starts behind Mudflats was used to reach the tussock (1hr 50mins) The first 15 mins of the track had been roughly recut and blue taped & then the rest of the way was overgrown but still followable. From the tussock to the un-named 1600m saddle at NZTM2000 E1469175 N5250210 took another 1hr 40mins. On the saddle we had a 30 mins break. A descent to a drop off point at E1469703 N5250065 was quick going. From there a long scree was accessed that goes all the way to Julia Stream. A ford was found slightly below where the scree which holds a stream in its lower section met Julia Stream. This ford was ok but required care as this part of Julia Stream is swift and turbulent. Across Julia Stream we used the old track that heads up toward Popes Pass to head down to the swingbridge over Mary Creek and the Julia huts. From the saddle to "old" Julia hut took 2hrs. Thus 6hrs all up. [To our surprise the old track up Julia Stream had recently been opened up in preparation for stoat trapping. We had carried in tools to open it ourselves. Instead of spending two days as planned on that track we just did a days work on it enhancing the work already done] glennj
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by dan E
On 18 June 2012
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