Folding pruning saws

Just sharing my new tool for the bush, a Bahco folding pruning saw purchased from bunnings for about $38, I am so happy with it guys you should YouTube Bahco Laplander reviews and check it out. Leon.
ha ha ha ha.......some time ago pmcke talked about one of these i thought it was a great idea and bought one carried it around for quite a while and never had a use for it so now it resides at the bottom of my gear draw :)
That discussion was around this photo see comments. I once took a claw hammer on a trip once and found it suprisingly useful for breaking up firewood, hammering in tent pegs and even used it like an ice axe when climbing a bluff. My brother once managed to take a crow bar on a tramping trip once, but that was by accident. He forgot to take it out of his pack and found it after the first day,s tramping.
My son and I were passed by a group (Hutt Valley Tramping Club I think it was), one of whom had a pruning saw and was using it to enthusiastically clear supplejack from the track as a "public service" :-)
I bought a cheap one from Bunnings for maybe about $10 for use on off-track adventures and around home. I basically went for the lightest one I could find that didn't look like it would quickly fall apart, for least cost. I looked on YouTube... and there's one called Sawvivor! :-D Also, after contemplating expensive fold-up shovels/trowels and the like at Kathmandu/Bivouac etc for toilet duties I bought a really light plastic trowel from The Warehouse for only $3.

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