Terrible Dunnies

Note that the huts discussion is just a bout finished so what about dodgy dunnys....the worst recent one i have seen and had to use was at Alpha Hut, and it.was a Norski Wilderness one,fibreglass ,green walls with transparent roof,absolute flies paradise!....this isnt a subject to discuss easily without someone getting offended by the sometimes graphic description of the state of some toilets but maybe just a brief description ,like the visit, will suffice
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Is it a practical thing for a pilot to audit how much rubbish a party's bringing back during pick-up? Genuine question, as I have nearly zero first-hand experience with helicopters.
Heres another thought. Some people might see this as stiring. Maybe it is. Hunters generally stay away for the tramping areas. Let them leave there rubbish behind. With any luck the will remember next time they go there and with any luck puncture there inflatable mattresses. Its a pity life cant work like that. I dont deer stalk so dont know how the permit system works but maybe it should include a clause on rubbish and a system to report recent rubbish and pass the costs of collection back to the person that left it.
I can't really see the let-them-leave-it thing working. Most hunters (I've met), as with most people, tend to be very responsible and are equally annoyed with those who aren't. It's the ones who aren't responsible who tend to stand out. Similarly, how can you know who's left rubbish behind? Many hunters don't even write in hut books because they're already paranoid about being traced by the evil gummint, or something long that. Requiring people to report others would just make it moreso and cause people to fear being blamed for something left behind by others.
back to square one With people that walk in there attitude is affected by the state of the road end and we all know about how some people with no interest in the outdoors treat isolated road ends. Only thing left is the ideal of Clean Up NZ. The 4wd clubs I belong to get involved and do clean ups in several areas we regularly 4wd in. One of the social groups I belong to also cleans a couple of local beaches. I know a lot of people her are also involved both formally through other groups and informally by doing some of the things mentioned above but what say we organize a proper clean up event and even go as far as challenging tramping walking and hunting clubs to join in.
21–24 of 24

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by OldGoat
On 18 January 2012
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