Terrible Dunnies

Note that the huts discussion is just a bout finished so what about dodgy dunnys....the worst recent one i have seen and had to use was at Alpha Hut, and it.was a Norski Wilderness one,fibreglass ,green walls with transparent roof,absolute flies paradise!....this isnt a subject to discuss easily without someone getting offended by the sometimes graphic description of the state of some toilets but maybe just a brief description ,like the visit, will suffice
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This one would almost take the cake http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v424/pmcke/Tramping%20Trips/Kaweka%20trip%20Oct%202009/DSC01636_th.jpg
A picture is worth a thousand words that evokes all sorts of un pleasant feelings:)
The horror
Big Tops (Koropuku) had a similar dunny. It was pretty cool and there is a hut umbrella which you could use if it was raining. I was entranced by big slugs in the fuchsia tree the loo was under. They inherited the Otehake hut's previous dunny after this (thanks, DoC).
And now there's a new dunny at Big Tops.
The worst dunny I remeber was the one at the old Jubilee Hut in the Silver Peaks back about 1970. Being a club hut, it was dependant on work parties for maintenance. Some bright bugger in the club must have decided he was going to dig a pit that was going to last forever. Not only was it deep but it was wide. Too wide infact to put a conventional dunny to go over the top. So instead they build a manuka framework so that one could manouver oneself over the pit, jungle gym style. Worked Ok for a while until, one day, when the whole business decided to collapse while a female member of the public was making use of it, casting all into the pit. Apparently there was hell to pay at the club committee meeting the month after that!
What a crack-up! As I wrote the description of the Pinchgut bog last week, the workers were replacing it! Very nice...
I have dug pits for new dunnies and installed Norskis at most of the eastern Tararua , Aorangi huts over the years with DOC.My opinion is that the old style NZFS wooden (ply)type crapper is better than the new plastic (fibre glass)ones as they dont attract blubottles as much being a bit darker and cooler inside. My pet aversion was people that put their rubbish down the hole ,instead of carrying it out . If they had to dig pits they might appreciate how much time and effort it takes. Incidently i was at Powell Hut recently and the DOC boys were emptying the toilets there( i have done this job many times and its pretty messy)and someone had thrown a leg of venison down one of the toilets!
Unspeakable. Here's a quote about these low-life creeps. "My favourite and by far the easiest target group currently is the species hunteris subsps. helicopteranus. A predominantly male creature which is carnivorous and can fly. It needs large quantities of alcohol for nutrition and to manage its social anxiety and wilderness phobia. It is migratory, scares introduced animals into hiding with loud banging noises,and flies off to new hunting grounds leaving behind conspicious piles of empty alcohol containers and plastic food wrappers. This species is found scattered on both sides of the alps from sea level to the subalpine zone and seems to have found some way of reproducing, despite its relatively low numbers." Frank spent an hour this weekend digging a pit in solid ground with a blunt deformed shoves, an axe and an iron bar to bury 2 sacks of the above described rubbish.
A friend of mine recently hunting around the Winchcombe Ridge area told me about discovering a large volume of plastic ,cans ,bottles empty tins etc apparently left by helicoptered hunting groups. Maybe DOC could include a clause in concessions granted to helicopter companies to ensure all rubbish was removed by a party if they were flown in.No rubbish , no fly out!
11–20 of 24

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