Southern Tararua Crossing - around Sunday 15th Jan

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I am a Venturer at Britannia Sea Scouts and we have been trying to organise a 3 night tramp in the Tararuas for our Duke of Edinburgh gold badges, but unfortunately we do not have an assessor to accompany us. The Group consists of five fit 16-18 year olds with tramping experience, and we need an experienced tramper to accompany us. We were planning to start on Sunday 15th of January, but we can start any time after the 15th and before the 22nd depending on what is most convenient for anybody who may wish to volunteer to help us. Timothy
try the tramping clubs in the area most trampers are already off in the wilds at the moment or heading there...
Thanks for the suggestion, but have already contacted all the tramping clubs we can think of, but we haven't had a volunteer. We hoped someone from this forum might be interested in helping out.
You could try posting direct on the website forums of some of the tramping clubs, too, and you'll find many of the club members often monitor them directly. If you go through the committee and someone's attention's wavered, it might end up taking another month or more until there's a meeting or newsletter or something similar. eg. Based in Wellington, Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering Club: Vic Uni Tramping Club: As well as the others based in the regions surrounding Wellington, there's also the Hutt Valley Tramping Club and the Tararua Tramping Club, but I can't see any online forums for those ones. Good luck.
Thanks izogi - I have added the message to the WTMC and applied to be able to post on the Vic Uni one. ... I hope we can find someone ... as we are all ready to go except for missing an assessor to come with us.
Hi - Out of intrest did you find your assessor in the end?
Hi Phil In the end the Duke of Edinburgh reluctantly let my brother do the assessment --- but in the last hour they have told us that we need another person aged 16 to 25 -- so that there are 4 people plus the assessor rather than 3. So we are ringing around trying to find someone as we leave tomorrow morning Would be interested in hearing urgently from anyone who is a strong tramper and 16 to 25 and keen to do a tramp this weekend emailing me on timgalt1[at]
I don't envy you lads, the weather report looks pretty crap . I did a day trip up to kime hut on Tuesday it was stunning . Its a pity you couldn't wait till you got a good break in the weather .
It would be better without the wind -- but there isn't much rain forecast. We are only on the peaks on Saturday and forecast is for not much wind that day. There are showers forecast for some of the time, but that is forecast to be quite light and tolerable.
Oh well, whatever the weather, enjoy yourselves, and good luck finding that extra person .
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Galtt11
On 28 December 2011
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