Heaphy track December 1st?

A friend and I are doing the heaphy track from east to west on December 1st to the 5th. We have a rental car and its been really hard trying to figure out where to leave he car and how to get back to it when we are done tramping. Is there anyone that is doing it around this time or wants to do it from west to east and we can do a car swap? Or has anyone done this before and have any advice to offer? Or plan right now is to leave the car near Motueka, shuttle or hitch to brown hut, and them try to hitch back to Motueka at the end of he heaphy track on Dec. 5th. Any help/advice is much appreciated!
Hi folks I'm tramping around the south island for a few months and running on a really tight budget tent camping is my only affordable option I'm looking to do the Abel Tasman and heaphy back to back. Does anyone know of a secure luggage storage place that would be near both tracks Can't wait to get started vince
If you're staying at a backpackers' for a night anywhere nearby (even in Nelson), they're often happy to store people's extra stuff at no extra charge while they go off tramping. Ask first, though, and be aware that the storage might still just be stashing it in an unlocked cupboard in a house full of transient people similar to yourself.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Eesalko
On 20 November 2011
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