Some light reading anyone?

This publication was refered to me recently. I doubt that I will ever read it, 1000 pages of fairly heavy text, just the sort of thing izogi reads before breakfast. Anyway it is obviously very well researched. Aparently Dave Barnes is talking about reviewing it for the next FMC Bulletin. I post it here if anyone is interested.
Downloaded it and I'll give it a crack.
Honora... "Downloaded it and I'll give it a crack." Bored huh?
Honora.. perhaps you can summerise it down to a few paragraphs for us ;-)
I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment but I think I'd be dead long before I was able to eat my breakfast. The author summarises it thusly at (not the content so much as the motivation): "Foot-tracks in New Zealand started out as a commentary on the government’s walking-access consulting and planning of 2003–8. But curiosity pulled me back into the 20th century, to learn about the New Zealand Walkways Act 1975, and then further back, to investigate the early years of Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand. One thing led to another until I ended up with Joel Polack and Te Rauparaha. "One result of the disorderly expansion was that the book grew too large to foist upon any draft-readers. It has reached its present state – I’ll call it a trial edition – without any critical scrutiny other than my own. Its typos and its blunders of fact await discovery. I would appreciate your telling me about them."
Ha ha.. Don't worry izogi, it's a complimemnt. I appreciate your commentry and willingness to read and interpret legislation and things like that. Your brain obviously works better than mine. Thanks for pointing out that summary. I hadn't seen that. I am sure this document will be a handy reference on this subject, the bibliography alone is something to behold.

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