Missing tramper on Cascade Saddle

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Here we go again! http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/5192412/Mt-Aspiring-tramper-missing
1 deleted post from wawa58
Unfortunately our overseas visitors aren't getting or taking any notice of the warnings that our outdoors need to be taken seriously. There appears to be plenty of evidence to suggest that the Safety message is "out there" in the DoC offices, Backpackers and areas that the tourists frequent. There's a disconnect between our visitors expectations and the reality once on the ground in the outdoors. Lets hope we have a favourable outcome.....
Doesn't sound promising for the missing tramper. Unfortunately SAR have plenty of experience in this area. Lets hope that he has simply failed to contact his friend.
Yes it is a concern that oversea's trampers are getting in this situation, I have had thoughts for a period of time that we should require them to purchase some form of insurance if they intend to tramp in NZ, SAR are unfunded and need an avenue to recoup some of their costs?
I don't know for sure but I suspect SAR uses lots of resources on searches that have little to do with tramping and are much lower profile. (Suburban searches, suicides, etc.) There's also lots of complication around how you cost and pay for volunteers.
Can't help but think its a bit rich (if you'll pardon the pun) to suggest that overseas trampers should be 'required' to purchase some kind of insurance to tramp in NZ. What insurance, who must get it, who decides, from which country, what about Kiwi's that get into trouble (presumably not required to buy insurance) are they then not to expect rescue either, or do they get 'special consideration', what about us foreigners who have had years of experience, and have 'done' extreme outdoors (Himalayas, Patagonia etc....) just doesn't make sense to me.......! Imagine the rest of the world decided to follow suit.....most of us will end up having to stay where we are and not have the opportunity to experience other countries/cultures simply because we couldn't afford it. Not sure that's what you had in mind, but that's where it'll end up........! I understand the need for special insurance for over 8000mt and Antarctic and Arctic regions (and I know from personal experience the cost involved) but here we are not talking about a local SAR being on hand to help you out...far from it (quite literally). I'm not sure what the answer is but I'm sure that a compulsory insurance for tramping in NZ isn't going to work, and nor should it........! Just my opinion for what it's worth.
Since on the topic, though, it's worth noting that SaR in New Zealand is only likely to be free if you, or someone, is smart enough to notify the right people before you get rescued. An example is 18 months ago when the Shotover River flooded. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/search-and-rescue/news/article.cfm?c_id=84&objectid=10620546 http://www.stuff.co.nz/3221852 The Queenstown Lakes District Harbourmaster sent a helicopter up the river and rescued a couple of kayakers after an empty kayak had floated down-river. Then he sent them a $4000 invoice because as far as he was concerned, there was no space in his budget for this kind of thing. People had just paid the invoice on other similar occasions, but these two chaps point-blank refused, claiming they'd accepted the rescue when the helicopter showed up but they never asked for it and hadn't thought they needed it (despite having been in an obvious spot of bother). Last I heard this was up in the Small Claims Tribunal (when a partner of one of them posted a comment here http://www.windy.gen.nz/index.php/archives/424/comment-page-1#comment-10794 ), but that was March last year. Did anyone happen to hear what happened? Personally I'd like SaR to always be free, and there should be some kind of framework in place so that benevolent poor organisations like the Queenstown Lakes District Council can claim reasonable expenses from someone else's more robust budget that's been set aside for this kind of thing, as long as the expenses were incurred reasonably. More than anything though I think it needs to be consistent. The possibility of having to pay thousands to be rescued---and publicity around people having to do that---is precisely what puts some people, particularly tourists, off asking to be rescued when they really need it. It's the most compelling reason for making it free. Furthermore, those in an optimal position to immediately go out and rescue someone before a clear opportunity to mobilise the "official" system should not be in a position where they have to worry about getting back their expenses. If we should all be getting some kind of insurance before visiting the outdoors, just in case there's no opportunity to ask the right people before a bounty rescuer trundles up, I really want to know about it.
When travelling overseas I have travel insurance to cover costs that may be incurred if I have an accident. Most countries have an expectation that visitors pay for rescue/medical expenses etc. There are also admission costs to National Parks that I guess support the cost of providing Rescue Services etc. SAR have encountered cases where tourists lost in the NZ outdoors have hidden from the rescue services because they thought that if rescued they would be billed for the cost. Many, I suspect came here on the "cheap" with no travel insurance to cover such eventuality. The burden of cost in NZ rests solely on the NZ tax and rate payers, be it through ACC levies or taxes. Maybe its time this was reviewed?
Its not only tourists who go into the outdoors unprepared and without checking the forecast. I even know of people who decided to go out when the trip had been called off due to 'terrible conditions' only to spend a extremely cold night on the tops with inaccurate equipment due to being unable to reach the hut. Some people would always get themselves into trouble.
Interesting views on this thread, a question for you all should the Minister of Conservation order a review to see how our SAR model compares with similar oversea's operations. Should we have a user pay system if you are not a resident of New Zealand? What would the implication's be on our tourist industry? :-)
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