DOC to cut jobs

Unemployment had to catch to DOC,S in th end
The article says the job losses "will largely affect its national HQ in Wellington and regional conservancy offices" amd that DoC wants "to better direct resources to its conservation work in the field". I'd guess we're likely to see less of DoC carrying out its legislated advocacy role, which is that thing where it often makes submissions against projects that other parts the government often want to go ahead. I hope it doesn't hit too hard, because with this kind of stuff DoC tends to be the only organisations with resources and environmental expertise to properly analyse and criticise some of the major resource consent applications that certain businesses with billions of dollars at stake put together.
It's worse than that. See Al Morrison says it is not because of funding restraints.. Yeah Right. I am afraid that under this government, the conservation estate is just another resource to be milked. At the FMC conference Ruth Dyson spoke passionately about the need to restore DOC's advocacy role. So I guess it is pretty clear which way to vote in the election if you think that DOC's role is an issue.
Yup, pmcke. Here's the link to the published speeches of the participants at the FMC conference. These axeings are right on target with the message we're getting. or as tiny url:
From this morning's Stuff: "DOC denies funds for legal battles reduced as jobs cut "The head of the Conservation Department rejects accusations the agency is spending less on fighting for the conservation estate, at the same time as slashing more than 100 jobs. "Director-general Al Morrison has been forced to respond to questions on whether the department was spending less on advocacy work such as legal battles. "He was questioned on the issue by Green MP Kevin Hague at the local government and environment select committee hearing last week. "Mr Hague asked why DOC was not at resource consent hearings for an opencast mine proposed for the West Coast." [---snip---]

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