Matakitaki plaque: Max Smart, Hairy as a Prophet..

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Several years ago I came across the plaque up the Matakitaki valley (between Nelson Lakes and Lewis Pass) that read: Max Smart Hairy as a prophet Strong as a horse. Apart from recognising the name from the program 'get smart' (a false lead, I assume) I thought nothing more of it other than to wonder who Max Smart was to deserve such an epitaph. In a bored moment today I googled the phrase "Hairy as a prophet" and came up with a match - from a book by H W Tilman entitled 'Eight Sailing / Mountain Exploration Books'. Google shows me the paragraph in which the quote appears, in the following text, but no more doe to copyright: "Hairy as a prophet and strong as a horse, he lent an energetic hand clearing some of our local jungle. On the Sea Breeze there are no winches ... nor are they needed providing one has a Max Smart or someone as strong on board" Now, I only searched for "Hairy as a prophet" so finding not only the second sentence, but also the same name as appeared on the plaque was, to say the least, intriguing. So: does anyone know who Max Smart is/was (assuming he's a real person), and whether real or fictional, why he has a plaque half-way up the Matakitaki. Or alternatively does anyone have the above book and can shed some light on who it refers to?
Well, I'm curious ! You did well to wade through all the dross to get that result out of google. A catalogue search lists copies of the book in the libraries in Dunedin, Hamilton, Blenheim and Wellington - anywhere near you, madpom?
Cheers for that - I will be in Dunedin the weekend after next, so plan on a trip to the library whilst I'm there.
Fruitbat is right into this sort of thing. Do you have the coordinates for this plaque? It might be as simple as having a chat to the local DOC Area Manager. See how well he knows his patch.
Yes, I started visiting and photographing monuments, memorials and plaques in tramping areas and there are hundreds! Like Madpom's plaque there is often a mystery to be solved or or an interesting story or event associated with them. I hope you took a photo, Madpom, and curious to hear what you find out about it.
Photo: Will let you know what I discover. I note looking at the picture that there's a photo tucked into the cairn above the plaque - which I did not spot at the time. Would be interesting to know what's in the picture and if anything's written on the back ... if anyone's up that way!
Max Smart was a real person. He was my husband from 1974 until his death in 1994. The plaque was placed in the Matakitaki because this was the area that we spent many happy times tramping in the 70's and 80's . He was the same man Tillman described as Hairy as a Prophet etc. He also did a crossing of New Guinea back in the late 60,s with fellow adventurer Derek Skingle plus opne other whose name escapes me right now. Any more info needed I'd be happy to supply it if I can.
Thank you for solving the mystery, much appreciated. Will have to find the book now.
Ice with Everything is the book and H.W.Tilman the author. Max was an awesome man and an awesome mountain man. Climbed rock like a spider and had the right idea of how to be in the mountains. Hope you manage to get the book. Lizi
Thank you, Lizi. I love your turn of phrase ".. climbed rock like a spider ..." Do you have a photo of Max that you could upload to this website? bernieq
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On 9 May 2011
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