Matakitaki plaque: Max Smart, Hairy as a Prophet..

Several years ago I came across the plaque up the Matakitaki valley (between Nelson Lakes and Lewis Pass) that read: Max Smart Hairy as a prophet Strong as a horse. Apart from recognising the name from the program 'get smart' (a false lead, I assume) I thought nothing more of it other than to wonder who Max Smart was to deserve such an epitaph. In a bored moment today I googled the phrase "Hairy as a prophet" and came up with a match - from a book by H W Tilman entitled 'Eight Sailing / Mountain Exploration Books'. Google shows me the paragraph in which the quote appears, in the following text, but no more doe to copyright: "Hairy as a prophet and strong as a horse, he lent an energetic hand clearing some of our local jungle. On the Sea Breeze there are no winches ... nor are they needed providing one has a Max Smart or someone as strong on board" Now, I only searched for "Hairy as a prophet" so finding not only the second sentence, but also the same name as appeared on the plaque was, to say the least, intriguing. So: does anyone know who Max Smart is/was (assuming he's a real person), and whether real or fictional, why he has a plaque half-way up the Matakitaki. Or alternatively does anyone have the above book and can shed some light on who it refers to?
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Have loads of photos of Max but haven't as yet discovered how to get them onto laptop and online. Most being slides and even some b and w ones of his early days climbing sandstone at Harrison Rocks. Will get my act together at some stage and attempt to put something up. Lizi
Thanks for the reply Lizi. It's 5 years since I was in the Matakitaki but I have wondered ever since who Max was and what he did. It's great that you can put a personality and a life story to the name. Hopefully I'll manage to get hold of the book and read about his adventures. I look forward to any photos you manage to get digitised.
Matakitaki is a very special area. We'd usually take a two week trip into the area each year and just enjoy being somewhere on our own. It sounds as though quite a few trampers get there now and it pleases me to know that Max is thought about and talked about. He was such a very special person and a real man of the mountains...just loved being in amongst them.I will persevere with the photos!!!! Meanwhile you enjoy your tramping.
Wow, if Tilman was impressed with Max Smart then he must have been some guy because Tilman was as tough as they come. I've heard stories of his being in the Sub-Antartic and not wearing gloves. He was one of Shipton's contemporaries.
Major Tilman was an amazing man just read what has been written about him. Most important thing though was that he was a nice man just like Max and understood Max's love of just being in the mountains. Both went far too soon but both experienced life to the full and in that way I can only say that it was a privilege to have been part of Max's life and hopefully we'll all meet up again someday!
11–19 of 19

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