Jakpak - raincoat/sleeping sack

I found a link to the Jakpak raincoat on TheAwesomer. http://jakpak.com/home.aspx It is a raincoat with a zipped away bottom bit that covers legs and feet. I guess it is a raincoat crossed with a bivvy bag. What are your opinions on this? I'm a bit dubious about lying down in my raincoat. It seems like a good way to get lots of small punmctures in it. Kia ora Craig
I wonder if some of the people who invent such things have ever spent a night out in REAL rain.
I agree, after a day tramping in the rain my raincoat (the best macpac can produce) is as wet inside as out
I've been told by manufacturers that we shouldn't sit on folded gore-tex and maybe lying on this isn't such a good idea either but at least it's not in creases. I suspect a dual purpose piece of gear won't be as good as 2 bits of separate gear but I'm still gonna have a look at that website. Frank always carries his bivvy bag but I don't carry one generally.
Gore-tex and any other breathable laminate and frankly any other fabric has waterproofability to a particular psi. Kneeling in goretex pants can easily surpass the limts at the point of compression.Imagine the pressure from a pack shoulder strap. Most other moisture inside a jacket after use is condensation. Sweat has to go somewhere.
but .. but .. but .. everyone keeps telling me that a properly fitted pack should sit nearly entirely on the hip-belt. Shoulder straps are merely aesthetic appendages.
I think the current opinion is that 75% of the load is on the hip belt. This would depend a lot on the pack though. I never realised how uncomfortable my old pack was (I thought it near perfect) till I bought a new pack.I wouldnt of bought it except 199 for last years model when this years model of the same thing was 400 was a deal to good to pass up.
Your claims about the weight on the hips arent wrong. I believe the psi is only about 65 or something close. I have,in recent times. taken to clipping my hip belt under the jacket. I do however wear a short jacket. Previous jackets have shown wear there. This development called breathability started thirty years ago after the space race. Nothing much like it has really happened in fabrics since.Only slight improvements in performance and usually at the same time compromising something else like durability.

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