Te Iringa>Oamaru>Boyd

Hi any one walked from Clements Mill over Te Iringa past Oamaru to Boyd in one day - how long did it take if you did - cheers.
Hi, again, have done it many times in both directions. Depending on your fitness and load the Clements to Oamaru will take 5-6hrs and to Boyd about the same perhaps slightly less. The route across Poronui to Oamaru is much faster and easier, at a good clip which you can do because there are no big hills its less than 3 hours. It is tedious.
No problem. About 4 hrs to Oamaru and then another 4-5 hours to Boyd. Quite a long day but a good track all the way.
has anyone been through the North Arm (legally)since Air charter lost the lease. If so who did you apply to?
I don't think there is any permit system now and, from what I hear, I doubt the new lease holder will be interested in imlimenting one. Aparently DOC are cautiously negotiating. I gather there is an agreement in the bag to reopen the Kiko Rd to Cascade Hut route to the public and possibly more to follow. I would ask DOC Turangi about the situation in the West Arm
As above and from FMC Website: DoC are still in the process of negotiating access to private land within the Kaimanawa Forest Park. At the moment FMC’s understanding is that the licence for the new licensee includes provision of public access over the Kiko Road-Ngapuketurua-Cascade Hut route within the East Taupo Lands. Until there is ratification of this, anyone wishing to do this route should contact the DoC Area Manager, Dave Lumley, at 07 384 7106.
Where did you see this on the FMC site? I had only heard it verbally. Dave Lumley is the man who is carefull negotiating all this so taking his advise would be paramount.
Here it is -- http://www.fmc.org.nz/services/notices-to-trampers/
Yip that's the link - have been emailing Dave too - but no new, news of yet - the swathes of Wilderness Magazine readers may show interest in this topic as the April mag is hot off the press today and features Shaun Barnett's account of Boyd to Cascade to Waipakihi via Ngapuketurua..... Track reads like hard going!

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by mrfizz
On 9 March 2011
Replies 8
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