Muddiest Tramp you know

Ok folks, i've down table mountain in the coromandel, have heard there are some muddy routes on pirongia but what is the muddiest tramp you have encountered...let me know. I'm on the hunt... :-)
11–15 of 15

Thompsons Track in the Kaimais.
Thompsons is a road. Ive driven the Matamata side and walked the Katikati side. On foot its not that bad. I did it in gym shoes. If you have a 4wd though dont try it unless you are with someone that has been there before and tells you what to expect. Walking the Katikati side takes 3 hours return. Driving takes 3 days each way if nothing breaks. The local 4wd club makes thousands on recoveries
geeves, you must have walked in it in its best conditions or they have improved it. It was called Thompsons Track back when I used to live there and I can tell you it was one of the muddiest tracks back then. I think they did an annual tractor race over it at some point and it was lucky to make it to the other side. Ahh the memories haha
1 deleted post from mantis
Stewart Island. Waituna Bay to East Ruggedy Via the old upper Freshwater track. unbelievable, and thats from someone who is used to Tararua bog holes
Locals told us there hadnt been significant rain it 3 months. I have a picture of the wife standing in one of the mud holes on dry ground with her arm horizontal and resting on the drain point. Even then One area would of been fun in a 4wd and a group of motorbikes that came from the other side gave up and went back as it was too hard. Its quite possible to walk round the edge of all the bogs
11–15 of 15

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