Muddiest Tramp you know

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Ok folks, i've down table mountain in the coromandel, have heard there are some muddy routes on pirongia but what is the muddiest tramp you have encountered...let me know. I'm on the hunt... :-)
Stewart Island, parts of the northern loop back in 1977 before a lot of the upgrades were done.
Thousand acre plateu kaurangi national park nothing but bog
Top end of the Bell track Pirongia mid winter..... Good luck?
Dusky... hands down. The Northwester on Stewart Island is a distant 2nd.
The Hollyford Track 2010 during the big storm
damn its a long way to go to the Dusky Track from Auckland...any in the North island??
I did Dusky while at school a large number of years ago. even then the worst bits had a board walk but not like the board walks we have now. Picture a series of single piles with a single log split lengthways on top. The result it a 8 inch wide track just above a foot of water above 2 feet of mud. The wood had the grip of wet ice and when you fell off it took 3 people to help you back on.
Heaphy Track 1977 mud & more mud you needed a life jacket in some parts
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