Maungahuka at Easter

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Hi - I want to tramp the loop from Otaki Forks via Kime, Maungahuka, Andersons, Waitewaewae (or vice versa) at Easter. I've tramped a bit in the area and know what the terrain is like, and am keen to have a crack at that ladder! I'm a 50 year old female, pretty fit, but could be on the slower side. If anyone's interested let me know. Cheers Erica
Hi Erica, Yes I am keen to have a crack at that ladder as well! I have done the Jumbo-Powell 3 days circuit, Totara Flat 3 days, Otaki Forks to Field and Kime. I'm a 50+ young gentleman, quite fit as they said, but would like to be on the slower side as well. I don't mind to tramp with partner of any race or sex. I am retired, based in Auckland. You just name the date and I'll flight down to join. Lucky77
Hi Erica and Lucky, I've looked long and hard at the few photo's of the ladder and I have to believe it's not as hard as it looks... but only one way to find out. I've done a fair bit of the eastern/northern Tararuas in the last few years and it's time I ventured into the heart of it as were. 55yr old bloke...definitely slowish. But capable of 6-8 hr days...especially if I get a few more trips in between now and then. I live in Masterton and work in Wellington and I'm flexible about time, place and numbers.
The ladder is easy. The scramble that comes after (south of) it is the challenge. Unless you've got vertigo - in which case it'll all be good fun.
I agree with madpom that the ladder is pretty easy. However, if it was windy, the approach to the ladder and trying to get onto the ladder wouldn't be much fun! When I did it the track along the tops was quite overgrown (i.e. to knee height) which made it a bit slower and more tiring than I would have expected (that was about 7 years ago now).
I did this circuit counter-clockwise one Easter a few years ago. I'm a 53-year-old male, I did it solo. It was challenging, but very satisfying to achieve. I found the section from Maungahuka Hut to Anderson Memorial to be quite tiring, due to all the grovelling around in boggy tussock & leatherwood. So start at dawn, take it easy and have a brew for lunch in the lee of one of those rocky outcrop sections. Map & compass skills are a must and a GPS gives peace of mind in white-out conditions. Some of it is rolling plateau, rather than ridge travel, and you can't aways see the next rock cairn. Be aware of your escape routes and take a bivvy bag. And a locator beacon. The ladder is fine, but as others have said, the scramble at the top requires a cool head. All the notices in the local huts warn against attempting Tararua Peaks in a gale.
Hi there Lucky and Philip I was thinking of maybe getting to Field Hut on Thursday evening (April 21)and getting a bit of a head start, then to Maungahuka for Friday night, Anderson's Saturday, and then either an easy Sunday spending the night at Waitewaewae and out on Monday, or just tramp out from Anderson's on Sunday. I've been told the ladder is OK, it's just getting on/off at the top especially if the wind has picked up, just as these other guys have said. Cheers Erica
Hi there Erica and Philip I am quite happy to stay at Field Hut on Thursday then Maungahuka for Friday night, Anderson's Mem Saturday, Waitewaewae Sunday and out on Monday. My only concern would be the weather side of late April. Could it be possible that we do this trip in March? Say 17th to 21st, next weekend? Or 24th to 28th? Please text my on 0274 222 346 for your most suitable date. Please also let me know how do you arrange your transport? Cheers. Lucky77
Hello Easter weekend is the only time I can go I'm afraid because I can't get the time off work any other time. If the weather is bad then it will have to be postponed. To John Saunders and any others who have done this solo - I'm a bit unsure whether I should go this alone if no one can accompany me at Easter. John you gave some good advice in your post but is this a tramp you would recommend doing alone? I've stayed at Kime before and also at Anderson's tramping via Waitewaewae and navigated from Shoulder Knob to Anderson's in the dark. Also tramped from Kaitoke up Marchant Ridge to Alpha and back again, have done the Jumbo-Powell circuit a couple of times and been in snow, high wind, rain, sunshine, mist, the works really, and feel I have a good idea about the terrain/weather and am reasonably confident. I have quite good map and compass skills. I tramp alone quite often but this would be the longest I've done and quite isolated so any advice appreciated. Cheers Erica
Erica I'm still on for Easter. Currently my only concern is fitness.. all my summer tramping plans were scuppered by the need to care for an aged parent. However the plan is to get out most weekends between now and then, hopefully restoring a little respectability. But otherwise it reads like our experience level is pretty similar. txt 021 578 398
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On 14 February 2011
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