Where can i get tuna in a packet?

Hi, wondering where can i get tuna in a plastic packet like there are in australia? its much more convenient because i can stuff them in my side pockets. i can also eat it right out of the packet by just squeezing them, and maybe using a spoon or knife to get the little bits in the seams out. when im done, they easily fold up and stuffs into my garbage bag. i went to both countdown and packandsave on moorhouse in chrischurch but didnt find them there. maybe i missed it?
Yeah, Tuna pouches. They used to be in the supermarkets until about a year ago then they disappeared. The sweet thai chilli tuna wasa nicer in the pouch than in the can too. I miss them too.
I thought I saw the green packeted tuna in New World here in Dunedin quite recently (the Greenseas, or Greensleaves brand). I certainly took some away with me in November.
Out of interest I just did a quick scan of products containing 'tuna' at http://www.woolworths.co.nz/ --- Sealord does something which looks like it's in a packet, if you don't mind it coming in various sauces (italian, thai-green or thai-red). eg. http://www.woolworths.co.nz/Shop/ProductDetails?Stockcode=201351&name=sealord-tuna-in-italian-sauce&search=tuna It's probably in the refrigerated section somewhere, so not quite the same as what you're looking for. Apart from that, you might be resorting to buying cat food. I've never tried cat food on a tramping trip.
Oh that one looks to me like those sardine cans with cardboard around them. But I'll go down to NewWorld here in Christchurch and see what i can find. Thanks!
What we want is the packet next to the can of tomatos on the far right of this page. http://www.foodinaminute.co.nz/index.php/Recipes/Tangy-Sweet-Thai-Tuna-on-Noodles They don't need to be refridgerated plus when you open them you can fold it over tightly and hold it closed with a rubber band. That way it will last 2 meals rather than with a can where you have to eat it all. Also it was a different recipie. There was less liquid and it was a bit milder chilli flavout than in the cans.

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