Fess up......what have you lost in the bush?

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In two years of tramping I've lost a pair of sunglasses on Whale Island, a pair of sunglasses somewhere on a scree slope at Arthur's Pass, and a 3/4 full plastic bottle containing my good friend (and tramping companion) Jim Beam at Nelson Lakes (don't ask). As a result of these losses I've learned that you can actually buy bits for your sunnies that go around the back of your neck. Have also made the discovery that Jim can be tied into my pack on the outside with care. What have you lost in the bush...and what lesson did you learn as a result? Has this made you a better tramper?
I lost a Trekking pole up a river whilst bush bashing, went back up there about 8 months later to the same area and managed to find it lol was stoked as hell
I left a whole bag of food at Purity Hut in the Ruahines[doh!]plus at Daphne Hut [also in the Ruahines]i left my plate,spoon and mug.
left an Mp3 player sitting on a rock after a break (just walked off) - lost a belt - lost sunnies - guess I havn't learnt much from it but who cares its just stuff...!
There's a very expensive altimeter watch up there on Mt Tarawera somewhere. Not on the top, deep in the scrub while on a SAR exercise. Colour black, so impossible to find. What I learnt from that.. when the watch strap gets tatty, replace it earlier rather than later. Also a MacPac fleece top on yellow ridge in the Silver Peaks. I learnt there that if you have one of those day packs where the zip goes over the top, you take the zippers right over to one side, don't meet them in the middle. Scrub will open your pack for you and discharge the contents without you knowing. But really, I haven't managed to loose much in the hills. What you guys who loose lots of things need to do is to remember to turn around and thank the campsite before you go. Put your pack on your back then turn around and say thank you. Not only is it a nice respectful thing to do but you will immediately see anything that you have left behind.
I've not lost anything that I can remember, but on one particular Saturday in 2007 I was in a group of 8 people coming down Tregear Spur in the Tararuas and somehow lost: * A walking pole. * A full-sized thermarest. * A watch. * A wedding ring. Granted those first two items belonged to the same person, to whom bush-bashing had until then been a foreign concept. We had a great campfire on Saturday night, though.
I'm in the opposite camp it's what Ive found in the scrub from crampon's, spotlights, head lights, rope, clothes of all manner, hunting knifes to bags of garden fertiliser don't ask I just kept walking...
Ive picked up several drink bottles along the way. All of them coke or pump type so no value but you cant leave them there. Tipped out the contents before taking home to dispose of hoping it wasnt Smirmof but it had no smell.
Something my father drummed into me more years ago than i care to remember when your packed and ready to move last man out covers the ground again. Interesting how many things I have found that others have left behind at the same spot. I have quite a collection of sporks going.
Actually I did leave behind a $200 raincoat as recently as a few weeks ago. Not quite lost because it was brought out for me by someone else. The story there was a crowded hut, and a couple of us were sneaking out early, so one of the unfortunate times when having the last person out check everywhere wouldn't have worked too well. I dragged my pack out into the main room for sorting it out without disturbing others too much, thinking I had everything, and completely forgot I'd left my coat hanging up the previous night.
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On 23 December 2010
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