Fess up......what have you lost in the bush?

In two years of tramping I've lost a pair of sunglasses on Whale Island, a pair of sunglasses somewhere on a scree slope at Arthur's Pass, and a 3/4 full plastic bottle containing my good friend (and tramping companion) Jim Beam at Nelson Lakes (don't ask). As a result of these losses I've learned that you can actually buy bits for your sunnies that go around the back of your neck. Have also made the discovery that Jim can be tied into my pack on the outside with care. What have you lost in the bush...and what lesson did you learn as a result? Has this made you a better tramper?
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A really cool pair of serfas mirador (sunglasses) on tongariro northern circuit last winter, dam, still have the spare interchangeable lenses too!
Lost: a Thomens analog altimeter. Found: a lot of BFKs.
Lost: dental braces, though I think it was a keas fault. Found: a 20m measuring tape. Dropped it at the next DOC office considering that in this area (Manapouri circle track) only DOC would really bring that on the track. They were happy to have it back.
Found a nice little LED headlamp in Mangamate Hut at the weekend.
aquired another titanium spork from tarn ridge hut and a rather nice expensive pen from Arete biv. If someone can describe it I will send it on otherwise i do like exp[ensive pens
Lost my Asolo boots on a canoe trip in the middle of nowhere on the Waitara river. A distant relative found them a couple of days ago while out tramping I picked them up today in perfect nick
Lost a spork last weekend in the Ruahines. My daughter gave me 6 pack of sporks for Christmas in 2009. First one lost after 14 months. That means that present, at this rate, will last 7 years. Best Christmas present ever I would say.
21–27 of 27

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