Contact for Esk Head Station

Hi all, I'm looking at a trip up the South Hurunui / Dampier Range area, in from Lake Sumner. Does anyone have a contact number for Esk Head Station, so I can ask them about access? Have tried DOC and they apparently can't hand out numbers. Not sure if that's a new policy.. Honora I found your trip report from 2016 saying DOC gave you their number then. Perhaps you still have it? :) Cheers.
I've got 03 314 4560. Back in the day it was Sam and Penny Radford but I'm sure that's changed. If that doesn't work,try the local DoC office rather than the Call centre number. If you call the Call Centre, ask to be put through to the local DoC office. Not sure if it's Rangiora or what...I'll email a contact in DoC and try and get it for you. The Call Centre is only good as a conduit to get through to the local DoC offices. The Call Centre only know what's on the website so no use really.
Thanks Honorar - that number seems to be disconnected. It was the Rangiora office I called when I was told they can only give out numbers which are already on the website (so as you you say, a bit useless). Maybe I was redirected to the call center.. may try again tomorrow.
Just tried DOC Arthur's Pass and they also said they'd be told not to give out numbers. Don't know how one is supposed to follow the instructions on the DOC website - "Contact xxxx Station for access"!
Thumbs down
Maybe you get Doc to ring on your behalf?
If a landowner wants to know who's crossing their land you'd think they might make their contact details a bit more accessible. There's no justification for being precious about it otherwise. All I've been able to find is a name and address on the electoral roll: Allan Kelland, 343 Esk Head Road. Good luck.
For those interested, I didn't end up going (weather) but the closest I got to a contact was DOC Rangiora calling a ranger who knew the area for me, and reporting back what he said - which was that Esk Head almost never grant access. So I guess the answer is they don't want anyone crossing their land. I think DOC could update the web page saying to contact them!
2 deleted posts from PixelPioneer23
Esk Head probably sell access onto their land to commercial fishing and hunting guides. I met the manager (in those days) one time and he said he'd grant me access if I contacted him. Silly me didn't get his contact details. Anyway, I never bother...The Hedells back in the day were helpful and kind. We'd bring them the Press, a bottle of wine and one time fed the doggies for them.

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