Speedy lengths of New Zealand on foot

Does anyone know anything about this chap? http://www.stevewalknz.com/stevewalknz.com/Home.html From his website it sounds as if he's trying to get a Guinness Record with walking the length of NZ on foot. It's correlated with the near opening of Te Araroa. I may be missing something, but I'm sure ultra-marathon marathon runners have done this kind of thing in less than 30 days. Apparently Siegfried Bauer ran it in 18 days back in the 70s. They just wouldn't have been walking, and possibly stuck more to roads than one might on Te Araroa. Is there some reason these wouldn't have been recognised by Guinness? He dropped into a discussion on Paul's blog back in August, but never really answered when I asked about this. http://teararoaonveg.wordpress.com/2010/08/20/te-araroa-track-on-google/
Ah, I just found his blog, and someone's taken him to task about it in this post -- http://stevecleverdon.wordpress.com/2010/11/12/on-the-road-again/#comments , pointing out that Siegfried Bauer's time was 18 days 5 hours 1 minute and 58.3 seconds. It sounds as if he's specifically going for the Guinness "World" Record for "walking the length of New Zealand", which requires Guinness to have various specific evidence and so on, and therefore he's guaranteed to get the "official" record from Guinness as long as he actually does it (unless someone else starts after and finishes before he does)... which sounds a little empty given how much splash is being made all over his website about setting this record, because it's hard to believe anyone will take it seriously next to Bauer's non-Guinness-officiated effort, not to mention a heap of others who've done it in 30-40 days, but whatever. :)
I would love to walk the length of New Zealand myself but I would rather take longer to enjoy myself and see the sights along the way plus I think that the Te Araroa route is a good one but I would rather go down the Napier-Taupo rd etc, I`m not to sure if that would still count as the Te Araroa route if you changed it that much?
Just take the train most of the way and walk up and down the carriages. Or is that cheating?

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