Mid-north island mountain

Just drove Taumarunui to Te Kuiti. Saw nice flat-top (volcanic looking) mountain which we could also see from National Park area. Do you know where this is? Is there a track up? What is its name?? Any details would be much appreciated!
Hi could be Tuhua Mountain (Guess) . Has a a broad flat platform of over 60 acres. Not sure of permissible activities - DOC King Country would know.
What direction? Here's the section of road in Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Taumarunui,+New+Zealand&daddr=Te+Kuiti,+Waikato,+New+Zealand&hl=en&geocode=FVKwrv0dKERyCikLJKe13UZrbTHACaNDYe8ABQ%3BFcgVt_0dQMhwCikbDWZHArpsbTGwC6NDYe8ABQ&mra=ls&sll=-38.608415,175.184905&sspn=0.839198,1.875916&ie=UTF8&ll=-38.596481,175.23056&spn=0.580663,1.06842&t=p&z=10
The prominant flat topped mountain just north of Taumarunui is called Hikurangi. One of about half a dozen mountains with the same name in the North Island. I have been to the top of it, many years ago. You climb up through farm land most of the way and then there is a patch of bush on the top so the best view is just before you enter the bush. Access to it is from the Taumarunui-Ngapuke Rd. Presumably you need permission to cross the farm land. Peter Panton at Taumarunui Tramping Club would be the man to ask about more details.
Yes - that will be it. "Mt Hikurangi - The prominent flat topped hill north east of Taumarunui. Permission to make the two hour climb to the summit (771m) must be obtained from the Richardson family phone 896 7804".

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