Electric Razor Outlets

A bit off topic, since it's not trekking related, but my electric razor is 120V and therefore would blow up in most outlets in NZ. But in Canada, and surely in most NZ hotels, there are special razor plugins in the washrooms for 120V razors. So my question is how widespread are these? Does anyone have them in their homes or are all electric razors there 240V? If it's reasonable that I'll be able to find a proper outlet every 5 days or so, I won't be too worried, but if its only some hotels, that's a bit different.
Check your rasor. I think most small appliances will take both voltages these days. I have certainly had no problems when I am in the US, mind you I would double check if going the other way.
It used to be that nearly every bathroom I visited had options between 110V and 240V as a standard kind of outlet (but only in bathrooms). Lately I've lived in a couple of places that haven't. I think you'd be fine in most hotels, though. If you really get stuck, you could find a cheap electric shaver here for something on the order of NZ$50.
Mine's listed as 120V 60Hz. I won't be staying at any hotels, but just thought that if anywhere had them, it'd be a hotel, and though it'd be a pain in the butt, I might still prefer seeking out a proper outlet to considering the alternatives.
I think Jaycar sell an adapter to allow you to use your rasor and many travel shops also sell multi socket multi voltage adapters which could be the way to go but you can also buy cheap razors here that will give a reasonable shave and last the length of your trip for under $20NZ

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