Earthquake news

Hi everybody, I see a massive rock has fallen of Castle Rock in the Christchurch Port Hills. It has changed its profile from a dramatic prow to a lump. I live in New Brighton and the house has no evidence at all of an earthquake, although I've been casting a suspicious eye on the chimney. Across the river in Bexley is rather damaged. Avonside has been hit very hard with liquefaction, Halswell is a mess, a few buildings in the central city have collapsed. Christchurch is going to be a mess for a long time. And we don't yet know how many houses will be torn down. The company I work for (Cabbage Tree Creative) is moving offices today. We only just moved into beautiful offices in an historic brick building a month ago. Fortunately the building didn't collapse, but it has suffered serious damage. How are you doing? Matthew
Quite nicely after that description. Living elsewhere where life's going on I've found it's taken time to grasp the magnitude of everything that's happened in Christchurch. I was in the Ruahines last weekend and didn't hear anything until we bailed early on Saturday afternoon. For a while various media seemed to focus on showing the same specific damage and stock photos for some time, which made it harder to gauge the extent of things in the first few days. It's astonishing nobody's been killed as a direct consequence. It could easily have been hundreds with just a slightly different roll of the dice. Here's hoping everyone there gets through it as painlessly as possible. I guess it'll be a long time before everything's really back to normal.
My brother and his family live in Bryndwr. They planned to go to Oamaru for the weekend. They certainly felt the shock and the power and water were out. However they carried on with their plans and saw a couple of chimneys and garden walls down as they drove out of town. They didn't realise how really serious things were until they were watching the TV news that night in Oamaru.
Here are my photos.
Hey Matthew thanks for calling my suburb (Halswell) a "mess" :-) There are a lot of areas that are a lot more of a mess than us! We were pretty lucky, house got a few cracks but will be very fixable. Interesting new silt piles all over the area. I don't mind the aftershocks but am really seeing them stress out a lot of people, and the longterm implications (rebuilding, possibly NOT rebuilding some suburbs, wage and job losses, months in temporary accommodation) are only just dawning on people I think. A very strange combination of complete normality and a feeling that things will never be back to "normal" down here.
Oh by a mess I really was only talking about the mud, but I have heard that some houses there will need to be knocked down. A ha I met up with some friends last night, and everybody looked like they had either just had or were just about to have a big argument. Stress!

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