Rapid Creek hut

This is a four bunker on the TL of the Hokitika River not far below the junction with the Whitcombe River. It is of 1961 vintage & is the closest remaining DOC hut to the roadend in the Hoki/Whitcombe. The hut is situated not far below the confluence of Rapid Creek and the Hoki River. Rapid Creek is problematic to ford after rain hence the hut has sheltered many parties over the years waiting for Rapid Creek to drop. DOC finished erecting a swingbridge over Rapid Creek in early February 2011 so waiting for Rapid Creek to drop before being able to cross it is part of history now.

The usual route to this hut involves crossing the Hokitika River in a cage.

Rapid Creek hut June 2008 • By glennj. Licence: C.
Key information
Owner: DOC
Basic Hut/Bivvy
Sleeps 4
Toilet, Enclosed wood/coal burner
Water supply
No water
Getting there
Getting there
At the Hoki Gorge car park turn left & drive 2km to a locked gate. Thru this is an old logging/farm road that crosses the Boyd & Ryan Flats. The road, which is drivable if you arrange to get a key from the landowner, marks the start of the walk for most people. This road reaches the river at a locked cage. Here walk up the TR river edge until you see markers indicating a track on the river terrace. Follow the track to a cage, cross the river & carry on 0.6kms to the hut. [2hrs from locked gate]
This hut is unlocked and open to access.
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Mobile phone coverage
No coverage
ID 6223

About this hut

Added 19 December 2010 by glennjglennj. 2 revisions, most recently 12 May 2012 by glennjglennj.
120 views in the past year (10 per month).