
New Zealand has a vast number of public backcountry huts, many of which are open for public use at any time. Find out more about staying in tramping huts.

East Ahuriri Hut

Historic hut in eastern branch of the Ahuriri River. Renovated in 2020 with the floor flagged. 6 bunks but only 2 are serviceable without extensive effort as some wires are broken on the other sagging bunks. The fireplace is boarded ...   More ▶︎

Kahikatea Lodge

Standard 6 bunk DoC hut, funded by the community and built and maintained by the Nth Otago branch of the NZDA   More ▶︎

Mataketake Hut

New hut high on the Mataketake Range above the Haast to Paringa Cattle Track. This hut opened February 2021, as a tribute to the late conservationist, Andy Dennis. The hut includes a library of Dennis's published books.   More ▶︎
John Reid Hut

John Reid Hut

Standard 6 bunk hut at approx 1240m. Great views to the East from the hut. Climb to the ridge above to enjoy views to the West.   More ▶︎
Te Whare Okioki Hut

Te Whare Okioki Hut

A new hut built by the Kaimai Ridgeway Trust and administered by DOC. Bookings can be made on the DOC web site. This hut has electric lighting and a USB port to charge cell phones   More ▶︎

New Casey Hut

Similar to Poulter Hut but has solar lighting and outside sink and bench on the porch under effective shelter. Nice for campers. Opened on 22 August.   More ▶︎

Hunters Hut

Standard 8 bunk hut on the Te Araroa trail.   More ▶︎

North Esk Hut

Dilapidated hut on the North Esk River.   More ▶︎
Toaroha Saddle Bivvy

Toaroha Saddle Bivvy

Hut on the saddle between the Mungo and Toaroha Rivers.   More ▶︎

Bull Flat Hut

Small hut on the Hunter River.   More ▶︎
Huts in the database 1,214

Hut categories

Great Walks Hut
Well appointed DOC hut on one of the nine Great Walks. Great Walks pass required, bookings may be required. Facilities typically include toilets, heating, water, and bunks with mattresses. Some huts will have lighting, gas cooking, and a DOC ranger.
Serviced Hut
Larger, high standard hut. Many serviced huts have a booking system and must be booked in advance. Other huts require a back country hut pass or 3 hut tickets. Mostly owned by DOC. Facilities typically include a toilet, open fire or wood burner, water supply, and bunks with mattresses.
Serviced Alpine Hut
Alpine hut owned by DOC or clubs such as NZAC. Generally no heating. Payment varies. Facilities typically include a toilet, water supply, and bunks with mattresses.
Standard Hut
Typical DOC hut. Back country hut pass / 1 hut ticket required, no bookings. Facilities typically include a toilet, open fire or wood burner, and bunks with mattresses.
Basic Hut/Bivvy
Small DOC huts of 2-6 bunks. No fees or bookings. Facilities typically include a toilet and bunks with mattresses.

In general, food and cooking equipment is not available at huts. See DOC and NZAC websites for details of pricing and booking.