Weekends tramping Christchurch Canterbury

Hi, I am 27 years old working full time in Christchurch. Would like to meet people around my age who love the outdoors that we can go tramping together during the weekends,or even just onedaywalks arpund CHristchurch. I am not very experienced but keen to make my boots dirty.Please come and join with me. :-)
Hi coffeemocha I guess being a slim young lady you may get some replies. It may be helpful to write a bit of a profile about yourself and list what you've done. I see you've tramped the Cass/Lagoon and climbed Mt Bealey for starters. In case no one replies, there are quite a few tramping clubs in Christchurch. The ones that will have a number of members round your age are the CUTC (which you may be ineligible to join) and the CTC. Because the CTC has got such a good webpage, it tends to attract younger people as it is more accessible. When you've been out with the club a few times, you may find there are certain people you get on really well with and you might choose to then do your own individual trips with those people. Good luck.
keen if you put so more info up about your self and what part of town your in and i do some hunting but just really enjoy the tramping and carry a rifle just in cause there's anything about so you would have to be cool with that.
Miss Mocha, I am 24 years old and I am an officer in the US Army, I am currently working in Afghanistan however I am taking leave to NZ specifically to Christchurch in early December 2010. I plan to do some fly fishing, hiking, bungee, and just see the sights. I am from Colorado and have a done a lot of hiking in the Rockies and Appalachains. If you would be interested in possibly doing some hiking when I am in town that would be great. I only know 2 people in Christchurch area and maybe you know more that would be up for some adventures or could at least point me in the right direction for things to do. Let me know what you think.
Hi, I'm a Wellington girl, 29, living in Christchurch. I have Nov 19-21 off and thought I might go tramping - would you be interested? Message me if you are! Cheers Rapunzel
arriving ch ch 25th jan, have to be in bluff on the 8th feb so am looking for a tramp somewhere in this gap....... i normally walk alone but figured i would give this ago.. experienced solo tramper.
Keen, when ya on next email me and maybe get some good canterbury walking in.
I'm keen too. Will be in Chch for the next 4 years or so and definitely want to get out there as much as possible. I have a car if it helps. My experience are mostly day hikes and have not done overnighters yet. Hoping to do some weekend treks for now until I take my school break (am a post-grad student at Uni of Otago, ChCh)
1 deleted post from miserableehh
yeah... but do you tramp in Canterbury?

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by coffeemocha
On 7 August 2010
Replies 9
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