Buying merino gears in NZ

Since a lot of merino wool comes from NZ, I was wondering if merino wool gear such as socks, hiking tshrits, thermal underclothes (not sure if thats the proper name in english) are cheaper in NZ. Are they? Is there any shop you would recommend? Im not looking for anything fancy, just functional (light, good in keeping heat and not absorbing much smell). Thanks =D
11–17 of 17

Winter clearance appears to start late-July ? They'll have other sales as we go through the Summer roster of holidays ? But not so much seasonal clearance. :)
If you're traveling to Wellington, the Icebreaker outlet store in Otaki has a ton of gear at 30-40% off retail. That's where I get my stuff - not too fussed if it's last season's colour 😀
2 other places for cheaper Icebreaker gear in Wellington is the Bivouac outlet store in Willis St and Gordons at the bottom of Cuba St and at their outlet store at the Tawa Outlet City.
I think you'll find that Icebreaker being a NZ brand wont mean its any cheaper here in NZ. Like most other NZ products, a premium is paid by NZ and other consumers for the privilege of owning that brand. Just check out prices of NZ dairy products, Whittakers chocolate etc here. Macpac actually do merino tops too and there is less hype about them - consequently they are a bit cheaper. I have found simply isnt that durable over time and I have had several of the Icebreaker tops unravel on me while tramping. Going back to polypro is one option because of this
Check out the guys at they sell New Zealand made merino thermals (base layers, underwear, tops, bottoms etc). They're online only, but have quick delivery and delivered to a hotel for pick up on arrival. I've seen them suggest some shops around the country that sell their range.
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There will be some shops but I am not sure about the quality. Many brands compromise on quality when they offer sales or cheap prices. But I haven't seen such cases with , they give best quality at cheap prices.
11–17 of 17

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