mid-Sept tramping in Upper SI?

Hi All, A friend and I want to walk in the Upper SI (Kahurangi, Nelson Lakes, but N of Arthur's Pass) mid-Feb without the need of ice axes & crampons (and we do not want to be buried in an avalanche either!). We are familiar with Adelaide Tarn, Lonely Lake, Cobb V, Arthur Tablelands, Travers, Sabine, Matiri P areas. Any other ideas? Many thanks, Alan
have a look at mt richmond forest park alpine route well worth it there is plenty of options
Your title says mid-sept, while your post says mid-Feb. Two entirely different times of years. Unlikely to be snow around middle of February. Could be a a lot of snow around in September meaning axes & crampons would be wise for alpine trips. Possible longer walks during winter would be Heaphy or Wangapeka in Kahurangi. Parts of the Richmond forest park alpine route might require axes in September. The Pelorus river track would be a snow free option. Also the coastal and inland tracks in Able Tasman national park. Lastly the Queen Charlotte Track in the Marlborough sounds.
Sorry People - I meant mid-September. Thanks for your comments. Does anyone know much about the Matakitaki Valley system? I presume the avalanche danger would be confined to the valley heads? Could the valleys be under snow mid-September or is it unlikely? Thanks again, Alan
Highly doubt the valley floor would be under snow, there would only be snow after a massive snow storm. If there is snow should still be quite safe without crampons and axes on the valley floor.
matakitaki valley system would be snow free excellent tramping to bobs hut and up towards three tarns pass, and east matakitaki hut towards david saddle although you would need ice axe and crampons to go over these two passes
The Matiri Valley and Thousand Acre Plateau is another thought. Options to continue up to the head of the Matiri valley and onward to the Wangapeka/Karamea Tracks. Cheers
Hi People, Thanks for the comments. Yes the Thousand Acre Plateau is a beautiful place. It looks like we will spend a few days based around Kiwi Saddle Hut. Looks like there could be interesting camping in the area as well. Cheers & thanks, Alan

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
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On 22 July 2010
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