Potts hut

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Has anyone been to potts hut in the lake clear water area and know whats its like to stay in does it even have a door and windows and a good open fire ? any information and photos would help help?
From the tiny wee photo on the doc website she looks pretty rugged, however it does say it has 10 bunks and a beautiful backdrop to the hut
Thanks jno51 saw that just wondering if anyone's been there and got some photos of it as the one on the doc site isn't very flash?
I stayed there a while back just before DoC took it over. It as fine then and judging by what I've seen of DoC's makeovers of other huts nearby, it should be good. It had a good firebox I recall. We found driftwood in the stream bed nearby. The Boundary Hut over in the South Ashburton was a bit scruffy and rugged bunkwise. It had an open fire with plenty of cut up pine blocks at the time but they may all be used up now. It is a really lovely area and there is an interesting side creek with coal deposits between the hut and the Potts River bridge.
thanks for the info so can you walk the river but the road as looks like hard going? and were there any Mattresses there or sack or board bunks to sleep on?
You ascend the 4WD track until it ends then descend to the riverbed about 400m upstream of the gorge. This is where the attractive little sidestream is. There were those lovely old kapokky big fat mattresses etc. but DoC will have replaced them with the DoC mattresses. They didn't put them in the Crooked Spur hut though and the canvas is ripping away from the nails as they need batterns to spread the tension.
I was in there about 2 months ago. I walked in from Potts bridge, up past Mystery Lake to the Dog range and along. I think it would be better to walk in from the gate by Paddle Hill Creek at this time of year. Tried coming back down the stream but had to cut up onto the True right – it gets very gorgy, and I imagine pretty impassable unless you plan on getting very wet. The hut is in good condition, mattresses, fire etc. It’s a large ex musterer’s hut. DoC have only given it a very basic upgrade e.g. benchtop and tidied up the bunks etc. Hope that helps.
>Tried coming back down the stream but had to cut up onto >the True right – it gets very gorgy, and I imagine pretty >impassable unless you plan on getting very wet. Which stream? Is it the Potts River? Looks like you could do a circuit of Paddle Hill Creek to Boundary Hut and then go back down the 4WD track in the South Ashburton Hakatere River. There's actually a paper road circuit in there. Of course my cadastral map software is out of date since the creation of the Hakatere Conservation Park.
Yes, tried coming down the Potts River. You could easily do that route you describe. Don't know how exciting you'd find it though - all 4wd track.
I think I'd be happy just being out there and enjoying the new scenery. It would be nice to check out the refurbished Boundary Hut as it was pretty scruff when we were there before. Only 2 of us were game enough to sleep inside!
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