Wet Weather

Hey all Im planning on going for a tramp this weekend coming and was looking at either going to roaring stag lodge or trying to get to zekes hut in hihitahi reserve, I know that roaring stag up to the junction with herepai hut is wet weather friendly but I dont no what the track is like to zekes hut in the middle of winter, if anyone has been to either could ya let me know if it is possible, Cheers Jono
Hi Jono, im going to Roaring Stag this weekend coming[as well going to Cattle Ridge and maybe Dundas].The track down to Roaring Stag is OK until just before the hut where a sidestream can rapidly flood.Usually its only boot deep but i have seen it over head high.Anyway maybe i will see you there this weekend.Im taking 2 days off work to make it a 3 day tramp,lets hope the weathers good!
There is a side creek about 15-20 minutes before Roaring Stag hut that rises rapidly if it is raining heavily and is not bridged. Although it is narrow the water is usually very swift and is not crossable. You should be OK though as the last time I was up there, about 18 months ago, there were several very large trees 10-15 min upstream that lay across the creek and provided a way across. Be aware though that there is a bit of a steep bush bash on the true left to get back down to the track. Have a good trip.

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Forum The campfire
Started by Jono51
On 27 June 2010
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