Dome Forest and Mt. Auckland Walkways

Has anyone done the tracks to the top of Mt. Auckland and the Dome near Warkworth? I am thinking of taking a group there but would like to know what the tracks are like.
Hi Briar - have done the Mt Auckland walkway - i didn't do the loop just an 'up and back' from the carpark on sh16 up to the look out and back - it was quite nice forest - lot of birds - so doc must be getting rid of the pests - have not done the actual dome walkway but went a bit further behind that one and did a climb up Mt Tamahunga - near Matakana - prob enjoyed that one more than the Mt Auckland one - just did the Tonagriro northern circuit on fri/sat - that was awesome with all the snow and ice - saw only 4 people the whole time and had the Waihohonu hut all to myself on the fri nite - here's a link to Mt Tamahunga: cheers john
Reply to actual question - tracks are ok - few bits where you have to hold on to roots etc - but after heavy rain would be slippery in parts (mt auckland and tamahunga) more of a problem coming down i would say = but all and all fairly benign Cheers

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Briar
On 10 June 2010
Replies 3
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