Winter tramping! Milford Sounds / Kepler track

Hey everybody, I'm Tim and i'm looking for a tramping partner or group. I want to do the Milford Sounds and Kepler track in winterconditions. I'll be down on the South Island around the months July and August. Hopefully some people are keen to join and help me make this happen. I'm really looking forward to this track and the conditions.
Hi Tim, You'll have a hard time doing the Milford in winter. It has to be reached and exited by boat from both ends, and the ferries do not run during winter. You can access the Te Anau end of the Miflord via Dore Pass without a boat, but thats an alpine crossing and probably impassible in snow. Havnt attempted it myself so cant comment on its difficulty. The Kepler is a better prospect, you can walk to and from the track from downtown Te Anau. Its certainly possible to get up to Mt Luxmoore in winter, Ive done that myself. Beyond the Luxmoore hut it very much depends on the snow and weather conditions. There can be metres of snow up there, and the track passes through numerous avalanche routes. DoC in Te Anau has kittens at the thought of anyone going up there outside of Great Walks season but certainly the trip up to Luxmoore is alot of fun in the snow even if you cant push onto Iris Burn hut. I would be tempted to do it again but I would only be free in the University holidays which I think is late August. Would need to check that.
Hey Tim, I'm also sizing up some winter walks down south - looking at getting into the wild from the 8th of july to the 12th of july. was hoping to do the milford but the logistics and possible conditions make it a stretch. am open to any other suggestions.
Hi Tim, Regarding what Yarmoss said about ferries to and from the Milford track, I suggest you ask the transport companies because I thnk they still carry people to and from the track even in Winter. At least when I asked them in May, they said they were transporting people to and from the track. BUt maybe tehy stop just for winter. What is for sure is that they transport people during teh off-peak season.

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by TimWalles
On 8 June 2010
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