South West Cape

Does anyone know of a viable walking route to the Southwest Cape on Stewart Island? And of how long this might take from either Doughboy Bay Hut or the Tin Range? I can't seem to find anything online
There's certainly a viable route from Rakeahua hut as far as North Arm of Port Pegasus... a small party from the OTMC were down there in atrocious weather in Jan. If you can keep going around to SW Cape I'm not sure as they didn't go that far.
I wrote up an account of a route poorly marked from Doughboy Bay to the Tin Range. This took Dave Timmerman-Vaughan a day to do, but twice as long for Frank and me! We started our descent from point 637 (1.8km south-west of Granite Knob). It would take you at least a couple of days, I envisage to reach the North Arm of Port Pegasus via this way but around the same time or slightly longer via the track from DB to Rakeahua and onto the Tin Range, the latter being a helluva lot easier. Frank and I have walked from Cooks Arm to the Belltopper Falls end of North Arm and because we did much of it on compass bearings - back in the days before GPS - it took us 3 days but others since have done it a lot faster. We also walked south towards Smiths Lookout but did not quite get there in a day trip from the head of Cooks Arm. It was easy travel until we hit a band of muttonbird scrub which coincided with our turnaround time. Travel down there is quickest if you can keep to the highest ground. I think it would take you 5 days at the most to get to SW Cape from DB Bay using a GPS.
Thanks for the responses guys!

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Pageix
On 28 February 2017
Replies 3
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