Te Araroa

be interesting what news comes out of the TA from the walkers this year. I live close to the trail, and i'm seeing a LOT more people doing it this year than last year.. at present i'm on the trail for around half an hour , i hardly every used to see any TA walkers in that time, but this year i'm seeing them most days and in multiples. who knows what the total numbers are if thats just a thirty minute snapshot
Hmmm, I wonder what the increased pressure will mean for the infrastructure en route, and for other people who happen to use some of the same tracks as the TA.
exactly, people are talking about double the numbers walking it this year, well into the hundreds...
For huts which are already popular the increased numbers could cause problems... but for huts which rarely see visitors such as on the Richmond Alpine route I doubt it would make much of a difference. All / most TA walkers carry tents anyway. Might just require the long drops being cleared more often, and maybe additional water tanks installed.
there are various huts now that are used mainly by TA walkers in summer that are already over filled

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