
I will be coming to NZ for the first time end of May through 22 June. Really want to do some tramping, have no plans. Wondering what the weather will be like, gear to bring, etc. Any suggestions?
From mid May the weather starts to get much colder. New Zealand's weather is very temperamental even at the best of times, especially in winter. It can change from beautifully clear to a blizzard in an instant, so the appropriate gear is needed for these conditions. Too many people are caught out with inadequate equipment (or sometimes none at all) and many end up paying the ultimate price. But don't let this put you off. As long as you have all the necessary items, e.g. warm clothes gloves, a hat, waterproof pants and jacket etc. you'll have a great time. It's a fantastic place to be when the weather is behaving! Just be prepared for the chill when you are walking about in the mountains. A portable shelter of some sort is always handy too. Enjoy!
So if they were just a few hikes that you could do for this time of the year, what would they be? Thanks!
It would be helpful to have a few more details such as North or South Island. Day tramps or overnighters? What sort of tramping experience do you have?
North or south. I would like to do some overnighters and day. I have a lot of experience, not much glacier experience. Thanks Cindy
It is winter of course, and winter in NZ tends to be dull and damp. Snow only falls on the mountains above bush line so that is where it is more extreme. There are trips that can be done but I would advise to have warm clothes and good wet weather gear because conditions can change quickly. There are lots of huts so aim for those. Most have some form of heating and I find it better in a hut when it gets dark at 5pm. It can be a long night in a tent. For tourists I think a good place to start in the Great Walk Tracks. At least then you will get to know what to expect and have good facilities. Some of them are in their off season but others can be done at any time of year. There are plenty of other tracks though and on many you will find noone else. I can't think of any better place than this site to find some of the good ones. Where ever you go in NZ there will be some sort of walk, especially day walks. Ask the local visitor centre of find a contact for the local tramping club (most towns have one) and you will get some ideas.
To get an idea of the freezing levels, you can check out snow-forecast.com http://www.snow-forecast.com/maps/dynamic/nzcentral
Okay I am now in NZ, heading down to Christchurch tomorrow and then renting a car. Any good possibilities for walks? Thanks Cheers

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by ouizi55
On 7 May 2010
Replies 7
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