Found Gas Cooker

Hey everyone, I've carried out an expensive cooker (plus two canisters) from Pinchgut Hut. It sort of looked like it was left there intentionally, but we weren't sure. To avoid someone else being tempted and taking it, I've got it at home - please get in touch if it's yours (give me a description) and I'll get it back to you. Apologies if left there intentionally, I certainly wouldn't have trusted every visitor to that hut to leave it.
I saw those there and left them. Wondered if they belonged to a school party that visits periodically?
Gidday Glennj, We were thinking the same, I'm a teacher and there is no way I'd leave school gear in a hut. Too expensive on limited budget to take a risk... Nothing in the hut book either... Fingers crossed I find the owner (or might have another excuse to go in for a hunt and drop it off!)...

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Forum The campfire
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On 14 October 2016
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